Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Past vs Present

            PBS once broadcast Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. At its core is the basic drive to discover who we are, where we came from. Subjects include well-known personalities: Kevin Bacon, Kyra Sedgwick, Samuel L. Jackson, Robert Downey Jr., etc.
           Is genealogy one of your interests? If you happen to be working on a family tree, you will be fascinated by the stories shared by Bruce Jenkins, Heather Weiberg, Ellen Morris, others. Seems that people with similar geographic ancestry share similar DNA characteristics.
           Jamela Clark revealed how shocking it was (looking at old census records) to see that her great-grandmother, born white, became black thirty years later! Even more shocking to see how great-aunts and uncles born black (according to census records) became white as adults.       
           Personally, I never could see spending much time on genealogy. While it’s interesting to find “Amazing Ancestors” in our past, I much prefer spending precious time on the present. Right now, I am deep into THE PHILOSOPHY OF ERNEST HOLMES (DeVorss Publications). From jacket text, “Holmes leads us down the twists and turns of brilliant, unrestrained thought: Profound, witty, surprising, instructive.”
           Ernest Holmes is the founder of Religious Science.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Surprise! You'll get plentiful stuff about FREEDOM, so July's topic is ANGELS. First, let me express warm thanks for many comments and calls about June's blog about LOVE. I appreciate the topics suggestions, which will be addressed sometime. Sharon Bingle's blog foodfromhere.typepad.com, contained good recipes.

Author Ann Rice wrote about Angels, Vampires, etc. She calls them "winged cherubim carved on the Ark of the Covenant." Pure spirit, dazzling expressions of God's love, sporting white wings. But I have seen them with gold wings and other symbols of an artist's creative imagination.

Gary Zukav, THE SEAT OF THE SOUL, takes us on a penetrating exploration of a new phase on evolution. He speaks of souls entering the physical arena to heal, to balance energies, to pay karmic debts. Angels continue evolution withing our Earth school.

We all have Guardian Angels hovering over our shoulders, coming to help us. In early childhood, we did not know why we needed this help because we did not know about Guardian Angels. They are here, though. In the 5th grade, in public school, my 5th grade teacher was floundering about looking for ways to explain the definition for composition. We were all children of immigrants to whom the English language was foreign. Out of nowhere, my Guardian Angel popped out, shouting "ohhh! you mean something like recipes saying what food is composed of!" The teacher sighed with relief. Next day, everybody in class passed in papers filled with recipes for cake, cookies, baked foods, etc., to show they understood now the meaning of composition.             

You see, in times of desperation (big or small) trust your Guardian Angel, speaking from gut instinct, or inner intuition.